Recalling that the intimate is political, the PAF has presented the details of the festival, held in Baiona on 19, 20 and 21 May. feminist associations that have been organizing a three-day meeting this past year to reflect on romantic love, affective relationships, desire, sexualities, heteronorma and love. At the presentation press conference on Wednesday, the following was stated: "We want to bring to light those issues that are common in the area of privacy and outside collective reflection. We want to bring together as many people as possible, to make visible the multiple forms that love can take, to question the central place that romantic love occupies in society and to bring to light different ways of creating affective relationships, analyzing the individual and collective consequences".
For three days they will observe the issue in different ways and edges. Suppose that in the morning round table of May 20, the relationship of couple needed for the system will be analyzed from an intersectional perspective: The couple in the heteropatriarchal system: how and for you are combining the different relationships of dependence?. The talk will be conducted by anthropologist Mari Luz Esteban, Euskal Herria, and French sociologist Céline Bessière, journalist Christelle Murhula and lawyer Elisa Rojas, all from a feminist point of view. What are the alternatives for our affective relationships outside the heteronormatic couple? with round table. The journalist Irantzu Varela, the university student Rachele Borghi and the journalist Tal Madesta, the three transfeminist activists, will be present. Translation will be guaranteed to both Basque and French.
It will also be possible to reflect and exchange in a smaller format. In fact, the workshops will address more concrete elements: Intergenerational meeting: Let's talk about love between all ages (in French); Building love and affection from dissent (in Basque); Workshop among young people: Breaking stereotypes about relationships and sexuality (in Basque and French); Strands, needles and wounds for adults (Love in Basque); Pulling the question of polimicity (in Basque); and Polimaitasuna and loving utopias, so that we love ourselves out of mind (in French).
Many paths have been proposed to reach the maximum number of people: performances, bertsolaris, photo exhibitions, parranda, stand-up monologues… The full program is detailed in the following link The press conference also presented the option of proposing the festival at a free price, and to choose a kit: "We want to reach people as much as possible, because there is a need and a desire to reflect on it, so we wanted to put it at a free price for reflection to be accessible".
In order to influence the public space from feminism, the festival will not be in one place, but has opted for different places in Baiona: feminist associations, gaztetxe, headquarters of other structures, peñas, etc.
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Goldatz talde feministak antolatua, ortziralean, urtarrilaren 3an, Jantzari dokumentala proiektatuko dute Beralandetan (17:30ean) eta biharamunean, urtarrilaren 4an, Berako bestetako tradizioak aztergai izanen dituzte Maggie Bullen antropologoarekin leku berean (10:30).