On Sunday, sirens were heard in central Tel Aviv and Israel to warn of the rockets launched by Sixteen from Rafah. Sixteen reports through a Telegram channel that the attack has been carried out by their Qassam brigade, and Israeli sources have confirmed it. The Palestinian militia has attacked in response to the “Zionist massacre of civilians”. After 228 days of aggression and while the Zionist army bombards and assaults Rafah from the ground, Sixteen has shown that it still has an operational force in the city.
According to Jazz editor Imran Khan Al, this capacity was not expected because the Zionists have proclaimed that they have destroyed Hamas’ capabilities. Khan says that when sirens are heard, the danger is accused of a Hezbollah attack from Lebanon. The journalist believes that the rocket launch could affect the negotiations scheduled to resume on Tuesday.
Sixteen claims the “great attack.” Sources from the Israeli Government have pointed out that the Palestinians have launched eight rockets in central Israel, but have managed to stop the majority. According to local Israeli media, sirens have heard the attacks in 30 locations. According to Al Jazeera, several people have been injured quickly and rockets have caused numerous material damage. Israel ' s official sources have recognized one single wounded, a citizen who was in the shelter but is not seriously wounded.
Israeli political analyst Akiva Eldar has announced that following this latest attack Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will assume the “role of the victim”. It has also advanced that the International Court of Justice will give it arguments to deal with the Rafah departure order, although it was previously expected that it would not be heard. On Friday the NJA order came and the Zionists continue to attack Rafahn. Also in many other areas of Gaza, especially in the north. During 24 hours from Saturday to Sunday, at least 80 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army. However, a former member of the Israeli security council confesses to Al Jazeera that the destruction of Hamas is being “more complicated than expected.” On 7 October, 635 Israeli soldiers were killed in clashes with Palestinian resistance or unintentionally killed by Zionist soldiers.
Palestinarekin Elkartasunak "sionistekin harreman oro etetera" deitu du. Kanpaina bat jarri dute abian Euskal Herriak Israelgo estatu terroristaren bizirautea bermatzen duten harreman militar, diplomatiko eta kulturalak seinalatu eta hauen etetea exijitzeko. Pasa den... [+]
The UPV/EHU Palestine was born with the aim of breaking with all Israeli companies and institutions that are carrying out and working with genocide in Palestine. Israel’s impunity comes from its political, military, economic, scientific and academic relations in Europe and the... [+]