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Tenth day of strike in Iparralde and France

  • At 10:30 in Baiona, Emmanuel Macron was called upon to mobilise Emmanuel Macron against the reform of the retas approved by the French Government. The French Government has pointed out that a number of "fundamental issues" are being negotiated and will meet with trade unions for a few days. In the early morning, 150 demonstrators blocked Biarritz airport.

28 March 2023 - 09:51
Last updated: 10:57
Parisen izandako manifestazio bat. Argazkia: EFE.

Since the Emmanuel Macron Government passed the bill on reform of the retas, the trade unions have convened the tenth strike day on Tuesday. The quote is at 10:30 in Baiona Train Station. The Government took the decision to turn to article 49.3 of the Constitution to avoid voting on the reform.

The French Government has pointed out that some “fundamental issues”, such as purchasing power or public services, are being negotiated, but regardless of the pensions that have caused the political and social crisis.

“The pension law is behind us,” said Monday Olivier Véran, government spokesman, in an interview with the BFMTV network. In this channel, he recalls that the Constitution Council must decide on the value it will have in the next four weeks. It indicates that for a few days or weeks they will meet with the unions around a table.

The Prime Minister, Élisabeth Born, met Macron on Monday and, except in the budgetary texts, said that she would not recourse to Article 49.3.


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