Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Ten years have passed since the construction of the bridge wall at Ondarroa

  • On May 10, 2013, the bridge wall was built in Ondarroa to prevent the arrest of ondarrutarra Urtza Alkorta, arguing that it was time to "empty prisons". For four days, the coat of arms of Ondarroa exceeded the limits of the Basque Country.
Argazkia: Axier Lopez | ARGIA
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It was May 10, 2013. The quote was already established: 12:30 in the Alameda de Ondarroa. Arguing that it was a “time of solutions”, he jumped the order of imprisonment sent by the Spanish National Court and ondarrutarra Urtza Alkorta announced that he would be “with the citizens and friends” at the appointed time and place. Until then, Alkorta was in order to search and stop, according to the National Audience of Spain.

Alkorta firmly stated that it was time to “empty prisons.” And taking the street below the Ondarroa Music Square from where it was hidden, Alameda appeared in half. He met with friends, acquaintances, journalists and cameras. Among the applause, Alkorta sat on the ground. And at the same time the first hill of the Free Zone of Ondarroa was installed in the Alameda.

Alarm, act to act, resistance continued. But Urtza Alkorta was still there. Tired, but there. Young, old and old still gave strength around him.

When it arrived on 15 May, the force of the Ondarroa Free Center was enormous. However, the sound of the turro kept on the alarm, it was the last day. It rained and it was 05:00 a.m. Clothes were put in to be in the rain, steps were taken when the nougat hit and the Plaiko Bridge began to fill with people. The shirt was placed in the center. There were so many people that people covered the bridge. On both sides of the bridge the passage was hampered by the influx of public.

By both the water and the road, more than 30 furgons of the Ertzaintza appeared within minutes. 300 Ertzainas participated in the police operation.

Two hours. That was the time since the bridge died until Alkorta was stopped. Silenced, Alkorta entered the van and was taken to Zaballa prison. The calls for solidarity were not silenced.

What was originally a quote to join forces became a sign of the strength of a people. Alameda became the center of claims. The phrase that would supposedly last minutes lengthened to days. And the drops of solidarity became waves. From 10 to 15 May, the Ondarroa Free Zone was gaining strength every minute, hour and day. And citizen collaboration and collaboration became even stronger. The Free Zone lasted five days. 117 hours

Free. After serving the two-and-a-half year prison, he will be released on 14 November 2015, at 09:00. He arrived at Ondarroa at 19:00. It appeared in the same place as the Ertzainas: Plaiko Bridge.

Photos of Lea Artibai and Mutriku Hitza:


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