In the following languages we will find a story: maputxe, guarani, huni kui, kichwa, nasa, q’eqchi’, k’iche’, kaqchikel, mayata’an, nawat and euskera. The book tries to reflect the meanings of the word culture in the communities. In each story, we will find the drawing of a significant bird for each community.
The idea of making the book was developed in 2018 at the Expert Course on Linguistic Revitalization Strategies organized by the Garabide Association. Every year members of different communities of speakers come to Euskal Herria to take the course and in 2018 they began to develop this project with some 20 indigenous people. The book has two objectives, on the one hand, to value linguistic cooperation and, on the other, to approach the silenced indigenous peoples in order to know their feelings.
The project was supported by the UNESCO Chair of World Linguistic Heritage at the University of the Basque Country, the Garabide Association and the Politécnica Easo de San Sebastián.
The book is available on the Garabide website. The digital format is free and the selling price will be five euros plus shipping costs.
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