The Islamic State (IS) has claimed the attack on Wednesday morning, although it was initially rejected by its spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid.
— Zabihullah (... high occupancy rates that increase the number of high tickets and high occupancy levels that have reached the total values) ( Zabuzhou M33) March 25, 2020
Today's attack in Shor Bazaar of #Kabul city has no relation with the Mujahidin of Islamic Emirate.
About 300 families from all over Afghanistan form the SIJ community, most of them settled in the city of Kabul itself. This minority has a seat in the country’s parliament, at present its Member is Narender Singh Khalsa.
This is not the first attack suffered by this minority, since two years ago a militant from the same group blew up a bomb-loaded vest with a group of Sjis and Hindus carrying explosives. The group was about to meet with President Ashraf Ghani. Khalsa, the father of the current Sikh MP, Avtar Singh Khalsa, died in the attack.
Afghanistan is in conflict for more than four decades, and that directly influences the Sikh and Hindu religious minorities, both of Indian origin, leaving the country. Thus, its number has dropped dramatically in the last 30 years: From about 200,000 to 1,500.
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