ERNAI called for mobilizations throughout the Basque Country in October 2019. At the time the morning mobilisation ended, the young people took the tracks of the Vitoria-Gasteiz train under the motto Independencia.
In relation to this fact, fifteen young people must testify at the Provincial Court of Álava on 18 and 25 February of this year. The other six detainees are also being investigated, but because they are minors, the case is in the hands of the Juvenile Prosecutor ' s Office.
According to the Hala Bedi media, the judge decided to file the case, but the prosecution has asked for the case to be reopened, eighteen months after the action. In order to cope with this situation, Ernai Gazte Erraila, the dynamic created at the time, will relaunch to meet the economic, legal and political costs of the process.
Pasa den urriaren 30ean, Portugaleteko Sastraka Gaztetxeko bederatzi lagun auzipetu zituzten. Handik egun batzuetara Portugaleteko kaleak hartu zituzten hainbat lagunek gaztetxearen defentsan. Bi egun geroago, fiskalak karguak kendu zituen.