These are houses built about 60 years ago for port employees and families. Today, in many cases, they live widows and children of those workers. Some have the house owned, others have not been able to buy the house, the neighbors report that, although the Port of Pasaia promised them long ago that it would give them the opportunity to own. Now, neighbors have offered “misery allowances” to those who have been expelled and landed, “but most of us have only one red street left.”
Specifically, it is intended to carry out a section of track for sending coils from Europe to Durango, which will connect the Euskotren route with the port. The work is already tendered.
To denounce the situation, the neighbours of the Escalerillas de Trintxerpe bloc and the Oarsoaldea Housing Union have held a press conference. “Their intention is to evict the neighbors without any alternative accommodation,” but the neighbors say they do not intend to go.
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