On 8 May, an ertzaina intercepted the phone and threatened a fine of 300,000 euros to a journalist from Hala Bedi who reported on the eviction of the feminist space Talka.
The Ertzaintza warned the journalist that he could not record the police action claiming that he was a "natural person" and that this was established by the "Royal Data Protection Decree of 25 May 2018". During the discussion, the police, among threats, forced Hala Bedi's member to give the phone.
"In addition to the fact that the removal of the telephone was a police abuse, the agent's arguments and threats had no legal basis. On the contrary, every citizen, journalist or not, has the right to record the police, as they are active public officials, and the right to citizen information ensures that police action can be documented," said Hala Bedi.
This video shows the debate between the ertzaina and the journalist of Hala Bedi on the right to record the police:
Hala Bedi explained that this is not an isolated case, "but it responds to a continued attack on Hala Bedi's activity and freedom of the press. We find these attacks on the right to information unacceptable."
They recalled the attacks on freedom of the press in recent years: "Take into account the implementation of the Moorish Law or the recent ban on informing journalists about the police violence that the French Government intends to impose. In the face of this, we will continue to report, disseminate images of police abuse and denounce violations of rights, because Hala Bedi is a right of all and all".
As they have pointed out, "although recourse to the judicial system generates contradictions, we see it as a further step in the fight against police impunity and attacks on press freedom".
Dagoeneko erreformaren %96 adostuta dute Espainiako Kongresuan erreforma lantzen ari diren alderdiek, eta datorren astean akordio batera iritsiko dira, El Plural.com-en irakurri dugunez.
It is difficult to analyse what is happening in the midst of the wave of propaganda in the day-to-day war in Ukraine. In our case, most media have made an alignment like the hooliga amplifying some events, silencing others and falsehood others, creating collective hysteria. It... [+]
Daniel MC mossoak, Directa hedabideko kazetari Jesús Rodríguezen aurka "funtsik gabe" eta "haren segurtasuna erasotzeko" egin zuela ebatzi du Bartzelonako Justizia Auzitegi Nagusiak (TSJC), eta bi urteko espetxe zigorra berretsi du.