Now come the wind mills called green. The company Green Capital Development has four projects requested only in Gipuzkoa: Karakate, Buruzai, Trekutz and Eskeltzuko. Behind this company you hear the name of a person related to Florentino Pérez. The "green" energy monopoly is a fertile ground that will be paid with public money for entrepreneurs who have already made money in polluting activities. And the 2030 European Agenda allows a business that promotes under the banner of the Climate Emergency, as the government's goal in the field of wind power by 2030 is to put new wind farms with a power of 630 MW, going from 153 MW today to 783 MW.
The current 18MW wind farm project that Green Capital intends to install in the Andatza-Eskeltzu area is located in the Government Environment Department pending approval. The schedule of the company says that if it accepted it would have been built within five months. The project consists of the installation of four 121-metre mills on the grounds of Usurbil and Zizurkil, and the underground passage (in almost 9 kilometres) of medium-voltage cables for the transport of energy generated to the Iberdrola light link in Aduna. The arms of each mill will reach a diameter of 158 meters.
"It's one of the few natural spaces left to Zizurkil and they will destroy it," explains Andatza-Eskeltzu Bizirik! Ainhoa Gil, member of the association. Remember that there are the trenches of the 36th War, the seals and the refrigerator, and that it will have a direct influence on the millennia, where they grow. According to the Aranzadi Ornitho platform, 106 bird species were recorded in 2021. This territory is critical for eagles, owls and vultures, as well as for bats. But it will also affect livestock farming: "Eskeltzu plantations are private, but 20 years ago an association of baserritarras was formed grouping all the private properties existing on the high and since then every peasant in Zizurkil has the possibility of bringing cattle in summer, that is, even if it is privately owned, it is used as a public plot". The hum and waves generated by wind farms scare livestock, "both activities are incompatible."
Where is the money generated going to wind down its landscape and its agricultural activity? If energy is generated by the absorption of common natural resources, its ownership must be public and its Community objectives, so that citizens do not run out of energy, poverty.
The Andatza-Eskeltzu Bizirik Association has organized a round table to inform the people of the valley about this wind mill project and to weave the relations between the peoples affected by this type of project: Associations will be involved against other projects of the company Green Capital in Gipuzkoa, as well as members of the Navarro group Urbasa – Andía Bizirik.
The talk will take place on Thursday, July 21 at 19:00 at the Casa de Cultura Iriarte.
Elkarretaratzea egin zuen Aiaraldeko Mendiak Bizirik plataformak atzo Laudioko Lamuza plazan, Mugagabe Trail Lasterketaren testuinguruan.
Environmental activist Mikel Álvarez has produced an exhaustive critical report on the wind macro-power plants that Repsol and Endesa intend to build in the vicinity of Arano and Hernani of the region. In his opinion, this is "the largest infrastructure of this kind that is... [+]