The radio station France Bleu picked up the words of Hannouni and her teammate Laura Delas the day after the girls of the ASB group were planted. On Sunday the match of the French Cup against the Occitan Toulouse was going to be disputed, but they decided not to play because they have few resources compared to the other Elite 1 teams and that the team leaders do not take their requests into account.
Baiona players have explained that the other teams are in full professionalization, while they are amateurs. They say they're really bad at infrastructure and training, and they don't have enough equipment to compete properly, because many girls have left the team in recent years. "Come on, but we can't attract girls," says Hannouni, "we don't have the economic resources, we don't have the means to help them find a home, with the same intensity as if they helped us find a job, so we're hardly going to bring new players..."
"They ask us to be top-notch players, but they don't give us the means," he added. -Love for the shirt... Yeah, we're going to flush the casings in the field, but that's not enough." He added that they are fighting for the ASB team, "also for rugby and for women's sport in general".
Euskaltzaindiak gutunak bidali dizkie Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko ahaldun nagusiari, Ekonomi eta Lurralde Garapena Sustatzeko diputatuari eta Bizkaiko Euskara eta Kultura Foru diputatuari.
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