By midday, a group of women took action in the Parliament of Navarre, according to Interior. While several activists were chained in the Basque Parliament, a small group has displayed a banner at the main entrance of the march. “Change everything from feminism. The cracking system,” the banner said.
The video released by Edurne Senosiain Esparza shows the message they have read before the Basque Parliament:
🟣The Feminist Movement of Navarra has taken the streets of Pamplona. A person has been arrested by the Foral Police after chaining in the Parliament of Navarre and being interrogated. We're sick!
— Edurne Senosiain Esparza (@Edurne SE) March 8, 2021
#M8 #March8 @M8EuskalHerria @Navarre M8
The Foral Police was in the place, but by the time they realized the intentions of the women and tried to prevent them from chaining, the activists were already tied. Dozens of feminists were supporting action in the area. Police officers have tried to move the banner and the concentrates across the road and tension has skyrocketed. One of the agents, who participated with his hands up, grabbed and threw a woman on the ground who participated in the protest. They've taken Atxilo to Parliament and then to the hospital for an arm injury, Naiz said.
Ahotsa recorded what happened:
❗ They are chained in the Parliament of Navarra#March 8
— (@VoiceInfo) March 8, 2021
#March8 The
— (@VoiceInfo) March 8, 2021
Foral Police brings the detainee to Parliament
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Milaka emakumek hartu dituzte kaleak Euskal Herriko Mugimendu Feministak deitutako Martxoaren 8ko mobilizazioetan. Zaintza sistema publikoa, eta antolakuntza eta borroka feministaren beharra izan dira aldarri komunak.