At least 15 people have been beaten and four have died in the attack on 2 November in the Austrian capital, including an attacker "supporter of the Islamic State". The attack took place in the synagogue and opera to employ Schwedemple.
The head of the Austrian Government, Sebastián Kurtz, confirmed that this was a "terrorist attack" and pointed out that he was "well prepared". He explained that "hard times will come" and that they will answer "with all determination". This is the first major attack by the terrorist group Islamic State (IS) in Austria. In particular, the Austrian Government does not know how many aggressors there have been and is investigating whether this is one or more – knowing that the attack was aimed at six very different points.
The aggression has taken place around 20:00 on 2 November, just before the start of the second lockdown. Today the schools are built and the borders of the country are closed.
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Urtarrilaren 20an Siriako Ipar eta Ekialdeko Autoadministrazioaren menpe dagoen Hasake hiriko espetxeari eraso diote auto suizidekin, milaka islamista askatzeko. YPGk kontrola berreskuratu arren, tiroketek jarraitzen dute, Daex-eko zenbait kide ezkutatu baita.
Jose Manuel Villarejo espainiar polizia ohiak adierazi ostean Espainiako inteligentzia zerbitzuek 2017ko atentatuak gerta zitezen utzi zutela, Kataluniako Gobernuak zer gertatu zen ikertzeko exijituko dio Espainiako Gobernuari. Halakorik egin ezean, auzia nazioarteko... [+]