A boat with the intention of arriving in Cadiz sank on Thursday, near Cape Trafalgar. According to the marine rescue part, the operational rescue began after 21:00 Thursday, after a boat reported a pneumatic boat that was half sunk to 37 miles deep. A helicopter and a boat approached the site and rescued three people who were on the scene. They have reported that 28 people were travelling on board the ship. Ten of the bodies have been found in the water, while the rest of the fifteen have remained missing.
In view of this concrete fact, the Atxondo Host People has taken the floor to publicly denounce the deaths caused by migration policies. They said, "This tragedy has hit our people hard." "The families of Bilal, Soufiane and Sadik, who are our neighbors in this submerged kick, have lost seven people; five cousins, one wife and one five-year-old son," they reported.
In the face of this event, the association has called for mobilization, under the motto "enough is enough! Not one more death, not a life less." The rally will take place this Wednesday, October 20, at 19:00 in Atxondo Square.
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