On Monday, 17 June, there was a new migration disaster in the waters of the Mediterranean, with eleven dead and 64 missing. One of the boats came from Turkey and sank near the Italian coast, 120 miles from the region of Calabria (Italy), and a pregnant woman died in rescue, according to Italian sources. Survivors say the engine broke and burned before the boat sank. Twelve people on this boat have been rescued by a French fishing vessel and at least 64 have disappeared, including 26 children.
Another boat has also had problems on Monday in the Mediterranean. Ten people have been found dead in the basement of the ship because the ship was filled with water. The rest of 51 people in the ship have survived, according to the German government organization Resqship, NGO.
People who survived the shipwreck near Calabria are transferred to the port of Rocella Ionica. Shakilla Mohammadi, an intercultural mediator of the NGO Doctors Without Borders, has denounced the suffering and lack of support of migrants since their departure from Turkey: “All members of a family from Afghanistan have died. They told us they were without life jackets and some boats did not stay to help them.” In fact, the Mediterranean coastlines do not provide much to prevent this type of disaster, as evidenced by the BBC's testimonies. 51 survivors of the other shipwreck save the Nadir vessels of the NGO Resqship and bring them to the Italian island of Lampedusa.
Strong precedents in the Mediterranean
Another boat out of Turkey last year sank when it was about to reach the coast of Calabria and 94 people died. In fact, the Turkish mafias do business by deceiving refugees and allowing under unfortunate conditions trips to the European coasts eldiario.es, as analysed by the media. According to UN data, more than 800 migrants have died or disappeared in the Mediterranean alone this year. Nearly 30,000 migrants have died in the Mediterranean since 2014, according to the media La Marea.
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