Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

At least thirteen people have been killed by a Nazi man in a Russian school

  • Seven of them were children. The murderer enters a local school with two pistols and Izhevsk commits suicide after the massacre.

26 September 2022 - 17:14
Tiroketaren osteko irudia Izhevsk herrian. / Argazkia: Associated Press.

On Monday morning, the massacre took place at the school in Izhevsk, in central Russia, of a Nazi armed with svástica on his t-shirts. He has entered with two pistols and started shooting; authorities have announced that he has killed at least thirteen people, including seven children, two teachers and two security guards, as the portal specified

After the massacre, the murderer committed suicide. They have not yet identified who it was, nor what was the cause of the attack, but they have linked man to Nazism. In this school in Izhevsk, about 1,000 children between the ages of 1 and 11 learn.

Several shootings have taken place in Russia in recent months. recalls that in 2021 a teenager murdered seven minors and two older in a shooting in Kazan. Last April, an armed man murdered two children and a teacher at the children's school of a town in Ulyanovsk.

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