Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

At least 15 deaths and 560 injuries in the fire of a rohingya camp in Bangladesh

  • A fire in a Rohingya camp in Bangladesh has resulted in at least 15 deaths and 560 injuries, as well as 400 deaths, according to the Basque Department of Security. The flames have devastated the vast area and some 45,000 people have been homeless because of the flames.
Argazkia: Shafiqur Rahman

At least 15 people have died and thousands have been affected by a fire that has burned a rohingya camp in south-east Bangladesh. The fire, which began on Monday afternoon and continued until Tuesday, was not extinguished. According to UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there are over 400 missing persons, 560 wounded and 45,000 displaced persons in the country.

The fire has destroyed more than 10,000 shelters. In fact, these are fragile wooden, bamboo and plastic casets, with a few facilities. In addition, it has also set fire to a hospital center, NGO centers and homes near the camp.

The origin of the fire is not clear, but it is not the first to be suffered by the refugee population of Rohingya. In the middle of last January, a fire unleashed more than 3,500 Rohingya, after the flames ravaged more than 500 cabins in a house. Some people think they can be triggered fires.

In addition, the Bangladeshi controversy remains because the country ' s authorities tried to relocate 100,000 Rohingya on the island of Bhasan Char, with the aim of speeding up the refugee camps. This process began last December with the sending of the first 3,500 refugees, and there are already 12,400 who have joined it.

About 738,000 Rohingyas arrived in the camps in south-eastern Bangladesh after the Burmese Army (Myanmar) began its campaign of persecution and violence in August 2017. The UN, which has declared what happened as ethnic cleansing and possible genocide, is being investigated by the International Courts.

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