Cristina Ibarrola reported on Tuesday night her intention to consult in an interview held in Navarra Televisión. However, he did not elaborate further, he said that the technicians are working to determine their nature and would communicate it when clarifying it.
In the opinion of the Parking platform not against parking, it would be the last rabbit that the mayor has taken out of the hat from his drift, “the consultation is not a question, and the center of the problem is the model of city we want.” For the citizen platform is also surprising the interest of UPN and Ibarrola for participatory democracy at the last moment. “We believe that the Mayor is not interested in hearing opposite positions and that with this initiative he wants to join supporters in defense of his project.”
Ibarrola has announced that on Friday he will communicate the proposal to the other parties in the municipal plenary. The parking proposal is very old, but the last week of his term the former mayor Enrique Maya ran the project, with an attitude contrary to all the municipal groups and without having to link many financing strands.
When barriers began to be placed in the vicinity of the plaza in July, mobilisation against the works also increased on the street and, among other things, the local traders made their opposition public. The electoral preponderance of UPN in the Second Ensanche is also known, and on this occasion its voters have communicated their disagreement with the project.
Paralysed works
The surprise came in mid-August when Ibarrola announced that due to the lack of existing consensus it would temporarily paralyse the works. The mayor has now expressed his intention to unblock the situation through consultation. The Parking ez platform has already collected 15,837 signatures against the project.
If the consultation initiative is successful, it will also be necessary to see what the position of the Government of Spain is on it, which in some cases has banned consultations. For example, when the Assembly of Municipalities of the Noble Valley and the University of Baztan in 2022 requested permission to consult the Erdiz mining project, the Government of Spain denied it.
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