The date of publication of the Gürtel case was fixed on May 21, the same day that the debate for the approval of the general budgets of the Spanish State began, but the delay of the private vote of Judge Ángel Hurtado delayed the sentence, according to the ARA.
The spokesperson and member of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Concha Saez, confirms: “On May 17, the deliberation of the sentence was concluded; it was confirmed that the verdict would be announced on May 21.”
However, Hurtado did not cast his particular vote until the morning of May 24, after the approval of the budgets in the Spanish Congress of Deputies on the afternoon of May 23.
Geroa Baiko lehendakari eta Nafarroako lehendakariorde izandakoa enpresa bati 2,6 milioi euroko diru-laguntzak ustez modu irregularrean emateagatik zegoen auzipetuta, Davalor auzia deiturikoan. Nafarroako Probintzia Auzitegiak erabaki du auzia behin betiko artxibatzea, legalki... [+]
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