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Do our own thing: In progress the Laboratory of Juvenile Culture of the Region of Pamplona

  • Great creators of the Region of Pamplona have come together to offer young people a laboratory of creation and cultural transmission.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

15 September 2021 - 06:52
Last updated: 08:56

Last Monday, the youthful culture laboratory "gureak egin" was presented on social networks, created by Céesku dago. It has immediately reached great popularity among the tuiters of the Region of Pamplona, among which the presence of great creators in the liver of the initiative stands out: The musician Jon Zelestino, actor Oier Zuñiga and dancer Aritz Ibañez.

The three, by the way, collaborators in this house, in the day or in the past.

Being the three major drivers, they have more creators around them. Among others are Beñat Rodrigo Kiliki, a member of the Mafia Fresko Chill; musicians Lorea Alsa, Claudia Rodríguez and Idoia Tapia; and drag queen Albina Stardust.

It is a laboratory of cultural transmission and creation aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 18 who will work in Basque.

It is not a question of making an empty leisure offer, but they have a goal beyond that. Construction of connections and own models through the realization of creative or artistic practices with local indicators and cultural expressions.

The laboratory will be held on Friday from four and a half to six and a half in the afternoon. 15 October to 27 May. And the tuition is open until October 13.

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A good time to be young in the region of Pamplona.

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