As announced, the Basque Country Chamber of Agriculture has organised the 16th edition. The Lurrama initiative will be held in Arbona on 24 October. In fact, despite the fact that the Lurrama, which aspires to become the showcase of agriculture in the Northern Basque Country, has been celebrated in recent years in Biarritz, in 2020 it had to be suspended by COVID-19, and this year they have not been allowed to do so in the usual place either. In addition, they want to place at the heart of their reflection the Berrueta de Arbona farm, occupied by the ELB trade union and the Lurzaindia association on 23 June. The occupation will end on the day of the earthquake, after the buyer of the estate has managed to withdraw.
The all-day programme has been organized in Arbona. Lurrama will start at 10 a.m. with the reception of voters and their participants. Then, at 10:30 a.m., "what land and food policy will Basque Country do?" There will be a conference called. The programme will also present work on the feeding system of farmland to the seeds of individuals. The programme will be based on the food needs of the population of Ipar Euskal Herria and will analyse the relocation of agricultural production and the possibilities and limitations of the necessary land. They will also provide numbers and data on the relationship between cultivation, feeding and soil management. In this way, the organizers want to "focus on the debate that will still be opened in this territory", according to the organizers.
Throughout the day there will be animations for children, families and the general public, among others:
- Planting of vegetables, fences and trees: depending on the time, the terrain and the orientation and the type of choice, how and when to plant the land, will be advised by technicians of the Chamber of Agriculture and by professional collaborators.
- Botanical tours around Berroeta to discover the surrounding plants and biodiversity.
- Pottokas and donkeys rides
- Rural sport
From noon onwards, the bertsolaris Maialen Lujanbio and Amets Arzallus will welcome them, and then there will be concerts until 20:00. Kiki Bordatxo, Diabolo Kiwi, Anje Duhalde, Anari, Frigo and Xiberoots will operate in two scenarios.
More information and practical details can be found on the website
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