Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We will know our history, yes or yes. We are no longer the girls and teenagers that Kote Cabezudo was able to manipulate and break"

  • The Disney+ platform purchased the broadcast rights of the documentary On their behalf ["On their behalf"], based on the testimony of Kote Cabezudo and the victims of the network that supported him. Although the issue was announced, the platform has decided not to issue it. The women who testify to the documentary have made the announcement public, explaining step by step what happened, explaining the causes and showing their anger and determination to move forward. It is agreed to publish the note in full.
"En el nombre de ellas" dokumentala, irudia Disney+

15 December 2022 - 10:26
Last updated: 11:59
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Note by the victims who participated in the documentary On their behalf in connection with the Disney+ decision not to issue

This statement has been agreed and signed by eight female victims of Kote Cabezudo, who have participated in the documentary On their behalf, whose right to issue has been assumed by the Disney+ Spain platform so that they will not finally deliver it.

The decision to count in a documentary what we suffered first from the hand of Kote Cabezudo and after the Justice, represented by Judge Ana Isabel Pérez Asenjo, has been a tremendously traumatic process that has brought us to most of us therapy and psychological treatment for the brutal revictimization that has brought us. However, and despite the consequences that we may have in the future, we decided to do so by understanding that we have a responsibility that goes beyond ourselves: that the truth be known; that all those women who have been victims of Kote Cabezudo be voiced, because for them there will never be any other justice to see and hear; that we feel consoled because they could not or did not know how to denounce; and that we will not repeat what they and we suffer again.

This process would never be faced without the immense, admirable and titanal moral support and legal work of our lawyer Mario Díez, who faced all the obstacles that had placed him in the judicial sphere. And that of Melchor Miralles, the only journalist who complied with the obligation to investigate and report the case, while the other media run with public money practiced the silence desired and complicit with the protective structure of Kote Cabezudo. Both accepted and paid for the harsh consequences of their duty.

The producer Mr Mono, represented by Iñigo Pérez Taberner, came from both hands. We are fully confident that a documentary will reveal the dark history of child pornography and sexual abuse of Kote Cabezudo. And from all around his powerful friends, who knew, enabled or consumed Cabezudo's criminal activity.

To this end, we made only three commitments:

1: To make known through our lawyer Mario Díez every step taken in the production of the documentary. And the need for a comprehensive vision and our recognition, once all the chapters of the doctrine have been created and completed.

2. Let the whole truth be told, without censoring anything about the grave reality that has been revealed in the courts during the 9-year instruction we have suffered. In addition to our lawyer, journalist Melchor Miralles, through us, knows the reality as a whole.

3: Issuance of the documentary. Let no one decide not to give it, after having gone through a painful process of producing the documentary.

Commitments 1 and 2 were made immediately by the producer Mr Mono. On December 1, 2021, over a year ago, the Disney+ platform bought the documentary On their behalf to deliver it. When a great multinational like Disney accepted compromise 3 – we thought so – we jumped into the void completely to fill our own: challenging shame, pain and gigantic terror, until we imagined what no one has gone through what we have gone through.

From 1 December 2021 to today we have been meeting in real time:

- Disney+ saw and accepted all the preachers of each chapter of the documentary.

- Disney+ saw and accepted all the final assemblies of each section, introducing the nuances it deemed appropriate.

- Disney+ made a trailer and announced the release of the documentary on November 23, 2022.

- Disney+ sent the full documentary to a large team of journalists and influencers two weeks before the premiere.

- Disney+ obtained from the producer Mr Mono a legal opinion certifying the neutrality of the documentary and the almost null possibility of being the subject of legal acts on demand.

- That Disney+ had signed that, in the case of a lawsuit, all responsibility would lie with the producer Mr Mono.

- For the peace of mind of Disney+, in the face of this risk, Mr Mono created a liability insurance for an amount 100 times greater than any compensation that, after the issuance of the documentary, could be judicially desired.

- Finally, Disney+, without giving any coherent public explanation and without going to the victims of Kote Cabezudo, decided not to issue the documentary.

First of all, the victims of the Kote Cabezudo, protagonist of the documentary. On their behalf, we wish to state the following:

A. We feel absolutely betrayed by the Disney+ Spain platform and by the leaders of Simon Amselem and Vincent Sourdeau, responsible for not issuing the documentary. They have played with our pain, with our dignity and with our trust in a perverse and unbearable manner.

B. While Disney+ Spain does not communicate to the public a convincing and consistent minimum explanation, explaining why it has not issued a documentary already announced, with release date and sent in full to journalists and influencers, the victims of Kote Cabezudo will continue to be convinced that the cause of Disney+’s setback is due to Kote Cabezudo’s ermiserable criminal activity for over three decades.

D. We deeply dislike the fact that the Disney brand, which sells an image as concrete as that of childhood, decided to turn its back on girls who were victims of child pornography and sexual abuse. For so many years, they decided to look the other way by sliding around: silent violators and accomplices of the child pornographer and concealers by omission.

R. We will know our history, yes or yes. We are no longer the girls and teenagers that Kote Cabezudo was able to manipulate and break. And it's the last time the Disney theme ever played with us. Anyone who wants to see the documentary will see it very quickly. And above the evil or cowardice of two men, Simon Amselem and Vincent Sourdeau (they can only know if they have been worse than cowardly, or more cowardly than evil), the bravery and dignity of this group of women, who are no longer afraid of anyone.

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