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Discover the “people we are” on Nov. 16 through a video marathon

  • The initiative was presented last June at a press conference in Donostia-San Sebastián. In addition to the marathon, they reaffirmed themselves in Bilbao on Wednesday and made it clear that there will be live performances in Pamplona, San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitoria. For 12 hours they will be “representing Euskal Herria” and they want to show “Euskal Herria of 360 degrees”.
Donostin ekainean egindako aurkezpen prentsaurrekoa. Gure Esku

17 October 2024 - 11:18
Last updated: 12:22

The Tours Esku initiative wants to “make visible the details of our people, their peculiarities and the deficiencies that make us great”. “It will unite and imagine Euskal Herria. Through a giant chain of videos we will show agents, people, projects and other realities,” they explained. The video marathon “Euskal Herria that meets and will imagine” will be broadcast throughout the day and can be seen both on the Ensures Esku channel and on Hamaika Telebista.

On November 16, “the characteristics and realities of our people” will be displayed. “We are going to show that we are a people, which is why we have given Bagara’s name to this initiative,” they explained at a press conference in Bilbao.

“We know that Euskal Herritarrok really likes to be together, and that’s why this audiovisual marathon will have a side more than online,” the group explains. Live performances in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Donostia-San Sebastián and Pamplona/Iruña, under the slogan "gu, Agustina!" have also been announced. or like "Orreagan Near Past" from Pamplona. The association has appealed to attend the in-person shows and to participate in the video of the work. In addition, it has asked local agents to video the particularities and realities of each people and send them to All recordings will be part of the “video chain” to be presented on 16 November in Bilbao.

You are interested in the channel: Gure Esku
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