Belaustegi adds that, once the outcome of this audit is known, it will be necessary to launch “a channel of dialogue that will solve a problem”. Because, in the words of the spokesman, the previous reports clearly show that Zubieta’s infrastructure is polluting at levels “harmful to health”: “The Gipuzkoans suspect that things are going wrong and something will have to be done to fix it.”
At the conference requested by the Elkarrekin Podemos group, the spokesman for the platform against the Waste Consortium of Gipuzkoa and its chairman, José Ignacio Asensio, also spoke. According to Belaustegi, information about infrastructure is fundamental for citizens. They also feel that the Member should start the investigation and stop criticising the associations ahead. In the same vein, he compared the socialist Asensio with the president of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, considering that it is the same strategy he uses in order not to be criticized.