This same ruling was pronounced this week in Barcelona, and not only in Bilbao, but also in the Catalan capital. What the law does not recognise, there is an increasing number of courts in which mono-parents – women, the vast majority – have the same rights as traditional families. The Courts have emphasised that the newborn's care permit is not so much a right for parents to do so, but a right for the child, as the child is intended for care and protection, so it makes no sense for the care permit of some children to be longer – because it has two parents – than that of other children – because they have only one parent. The courts interpret it as discriminatory and unfair.
The Bilbao resolution also recalls that the two-parent nuclear family model has changed since the 1970s and that the new models must be taken into account.
Plead not to go to court
In 2020, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country issued a pioneering resolution granting the single mother a 24 week maternity leave with a 16 week leave. Other resolutions follow the path of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, but the mono-parent groups insist that the law should give them this right, without the need to go to court.
Even though the various family models are becoming more and more numerous, many of the rules and bonuses that we have do not take into account non-traditional families, and the single parent who does not follow the path of denunciation is often sold. “There is still much to fight,” says the only mother, Amaia García, who has just told us that if one of the partners becomes a widower, it will automatically be understood as a large family, “but it is not a large family that, as in our case, has two children and one father. What is the point?”
They appeared, as usual, through the hut, parked in the center of the passage, in herbs and encharcations so as not to dirty the mills, and went through the road, tracing, to the porch, with a large dish in the hand. As usual, the bûche was ready. In French bûche it can be a... [+]
Many at Christmas feel more lazy than illusion when we think about meals and family gatherings. But we anticipate that it is not food that makes us feel collectively uncomfortable, but the normativity that defines the traditional family. Moreover, we would dare to say that the... [+]
Etxeko langile diren eta zaintza lanetan aritzen diren emakumeentzako etxea abian jarri dute Berriozarren. Zortzi pertsonendako lekua duen pisua gaitu dute zaintzan diharduten langileak 6-12 hilabetez espazio duin eta seguru batean bizi daitezen. SOS Arrazakeria Nafarroak eta... [+]