The NoMoInGlo No Monster Incinerator in Gloucestershire (No Giant Incinerator in the Gloucester Region) has spread the news from social networks: A young man from his father’s family named Sid Saunders begins his fasting at the doorstep of the GCC Gloucestershire regional government headquarters.
Saunders had previously told the local press the reason for his action: "I couldn't look our kids in the face without being sure that I've done everything I can to protect their future from this project that doesn't even make sense if it's analyzed from either side. I'm not willing to wait and do nothing while they put their health at risk with this tragic misuse of our money, which is wasting 500 million pounds and at the same time shutting down public services around us and bottoming out."
With the hunger strike, Saunders urges the authorities to show on the one hand the incinerator contract so that citizens know what they are spending public money on, and on the other hand to ensure that they do not burn any recyclable waste and that they treat it well, including plastics. On the other hand, it aims to warn citizens about the risks of waste incineration, the lack of secrecy, disinformation and democracy of the GCC and the responsibility of all citizens to reduce, reuse and recycle their own waste.
Saunders has set up a number of camping tents at the entrance to the official building so they can take refuge and sleep there during fasting, as shown in this video from NoMoInGlo.
The Javelin Park incineration plant, which is being built in the Gloucester region, will be one of the most noisy in recent times among those in Britain. The residents of the area have moved a lot throughout the course of the project and have continued to protest once construction has begun.
In this 10-minute video, writer and activist Jojo Metha explains what the Javelin project in Gloucestershire and the essence of the scandal it has caused:
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