BBC investigative journalists Lucile Smith and Ben Steele have gathered hard testimonies: “Two people were driven out of the boat and we saw how they drowned, then they drowned me”; “they tied my hands behind me and threw me into the sea, fortunately I managed to release one hand, but they drowned three people from our group”; “my family put us on an air boat in the middle of the sea and the valve was not tightly closed, then we went underwater, looked at us and left eight children there.”
The BBC has gathered 40 testimonies denouncing illegal criminal practices by the Greek coastguards, of which nine have claimed that they were thrown under proa, some with their hands tied.
Fleeing from their countries to Europe, 41,561 people arrived in Greece last year. Hundreds of times the NGO has denounced the violence of venous Greek borders and the illegal movement of people back to Turkey. The Greek Government denies the use of this practice.
Now, direct witnesses report that they have been thrown into the sea to drown. The Greek authorities claim to have initiated the investigation in the light of this news report.
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