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Greta Thunberg is arrested in protest against Statkraft wind farms in Samian lands

  • The famous ecologist entrepreneur is arrested, along with other demonstrators, in a protest against the wind power plants built by the Novergian multinational in the territories of the indigenous people of Samien.
Gretha Thumberg atxilotu duten uneko irudia. Sami herriak Statkraften eolikoak desegitea eskatzen du.

02 March 2023 - 09:47
Last updated: 11:30

In the capital of Norway, Oslo, Greta Thunberg, an environmental activist, is arrested in a protest calling for the dissolution of the wind power plants that the multinational Statkraft has built in the territory of the Samis.

Statkraft carries in these areas a gigantic wind project called Fosen Vind, declared illegal by the Norwegian Supreme Court in its 2021 ruling.

In total, 151 windmills have been built by the multinational in a territory essential for the grazing of snow deer, Sápmin, also known as Lapland. Since the publication of the judgment, the bitter ones insist on the dissolution of this infrastructure.

According to the newspaper Verdens Gang, there are days when entrepreneurs are blocking the residences of Oslo as a "peaceful" protest, including those of the Ministry of Finance, Oil and Energy of the Government of Norway.

On Wednesday, the headquarters of the Department of Climate, Environment and Industry were occupied and the protesters were arrested by police during the blockade of the Ministry of Finance headquarters. They have been released after their expulsion from the area.

On Thursday, protests are escalating and ten ministries have been blocked by protesters. In addition, Greenpeace members have climbed one of them and hung a great banner, Return the Land. Stop the violation of human rights under the slogan Sápmin.

The public company Statkraft belongs to the Norwegian Government and is one of the largest multinationals in the world in the renewable sector. Last year it was known that in Euskal Herria it has presented two projects for the construction of wind power plants in Azpeitia, Zestoa and Aramaio.

Since the environmental movement, they have denounced that, although Statkraft claims another model, "these facts undermine the alleged "strong ethical code" of this company.

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