They called the strike on 24 February in Kutxabank to denounce the "extreme situation" suffered by workers. All the trade unions represented at Kutxabank have joined the call: "We have a staff that is not at ease and is increasingly under pressure and the work environment is deteriorating considerably."
Trade unions report that workers suffer from "strong trade pressure". According to the data released, between 2014 and 2022, 293 offices have been closed and there are 1,448 fewer workers. They also point out that "increasingly ambitious business objectives" are imposed on workers. They explain that many workers are "anxious".
In addition, trade unions complain that Kutxabank "is losing talented workers." They say that working conditions are "getting worse" and that young people leave Kutxabank. "Deteriorating economic conditions and difficulties in career advancement mean fewer and fewer people want to work at Kutxabank."
Finally, they have denounced that many offices have "security problems", especially in one-worker offices. They say more and more attacks occur, because there is often no "means to respond properly" to users. That is why all groups in the prevention committees have asked for more than one worker to be present in each office.
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