Last Friday, the Department of Education sent an email to parents who have sons and daughters in public school. The letter from the Basque Government states that the days of strike called understand the concern that parents can generate and that they have been making a “firm effort” for years to improve the working conditions of educators: “Improved wages, conciliation measures, reduced ratios and school hours and workers’ stability and rejuvenation plans are a sign of our willingness to reach meaningful agreements.” In the words of the Department of Education, “it is difficult to understand the call for strike at a time when negotiations are abiertas.Los agreements are available.”
The Department of Education had never sent such a massive letter and the conveners of the mobilizations of LAB, STEILAS, ELA and CCOO have described it as aggression: The trade unions have accused the Basque Government of "propaganda, emulating families against teachers and conditioning the strikes that are taking place".
As for the call for strikes while the negotiations are open, the unions have replied that there is no content at the negotiating tables they have with the Basque Government and that they only use the meetings to "give form of negotiation and justify themselves".
Better working conditions and conventions
Nevertheless, they have begun a 12-day strike cycle in Basque public education. The teachers are called for Wednesday and Thursday, as well as for 26 and 27 February. The workers of the Haurreskolak Consortium are called on to strike on 28-29 January and 12-13 February, and the kitchen and cleaning workers on 30-31 January and 19-20 February.
The workers have claimed that the agreements are long-standing and that agreements between workers must be renewed. The Teacher Agreement is 2010 and the rest has not been updated since 2009. Among other things, they call for a reduction in the workload and excessive bureaucratization (as mentioned in this article), for plans to rejuvenate working groups, to restore purchasing power, to reduce temporality and to stabilize jobs, to put more resources (such as to be able to serve students with special educational needs) and to reduce ratios.
The situation of kitchen and cleaning staff is noteworthy. Trade unions have pointed out that this is the feminized sector with the most precarious conditions and with the lowest wages: “It’s imperative to lower the ratios and reduce the meters to clean.”
Mobilisation days
This Wednesday, the demonstration has been centralised in Bilbao, where the demonstrators have actively participated. From Gran Vía 85 to Plaza del Arriaga, at 11:30 hours. On Thursday, at the same time, demonstrations will begin in the three capitals of the CAV: In Vitoria-Gasteiz, from the Plaza de Bilbao to the Plaza de los Fueros; in Donostia-San Sebastián, from the Boulevard to the same plaza; and in Bilbao, from the Gran Vía 85 to the Plaza del Arriaga.
Also in Navarre, protests have intensified
In the foral community, there are also no summons from professors of the environment and public education, who are called to attend on January 30. The trade unions STEILAS, ELA, LAB and CCOO will appear this Wednesday morning to discuss the strike called in the automotive sector.
Eric Etxartek Seaskako lehendakarikide ardura hartu berri du urte hatsarrean, Antton Etxeberri eta Sophie Layusekin batera. Peio Jorajuriaren lekukoa hartu dute hirurek, eta Lehendakarikidetza taldea osatu dute.
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