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Feminist strike in Iparralde

  • Unions and feminist groups in the continental Basque Country have joined a feminist strike in the French state. The strike focuses on paid work, care and consumption.
Sindikatuen elkarretaratzea, Baionako Herriko Etxearen aitzinean.

08 March 2024 - 17:30
Last updated: 19:55
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The second day of feminist strike organized at the level of the French State was 8 March 2024, the first in 1974 called MLF Women’s Liberation Movement. Unions and feminist collectives called to stop working in previous years: to illustrate the range of the wage gap between men and women, women left their job at 15:40, specifically due to wage inequality, since from that moment on women work as if they were final, with an average gain of less than 24%. As for Lapurdi, Nafarroa Beherea and Zuberoa, local unions and feminist groups have joined the call for strike, but they did not have the first time, because in 2018 and 2019 there was a call from Euskal Herria.

In the area of paid work, the strike has focused on the tasks of care and consumption, "on the road to equality, only because [feminist women] voices, screams and actions move". This message has been unanimously launched by some 50 feminist collectives who have joined the call for strike. All labor unions have joined the feminist movement quote, CGT, CFDT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU and LAB also for Iparralde. In the afternoon the unions met before the Casa Consistorial de Baiona before leaving the place for the feminist movement: at 18:00 the demonstration convened by feminist groups will begin.

Many altars to the plaza

They have made many demands heard: the end of the wage gap; the protection of public services and the end of privatisations; the recognition and fair distribution of care; the conditions for guaranteeing the right to abortion; freedom of access to LGBTQI people; the end of systemic violence against disabled people; the end of sexist violence; education for equality since childhood and the extreme right. Putting solidarity as a compass, they have a day to support "painless people from all over the world subjected to mass bombing" and undocumented people threatened by the Racist Immigration Act, voted by the French Government.

"Any strike movement aims to disturb in the name of a claim. Today I want to show that what wives do, think or produce is left behind. The discharge, if the wives stayed, if they did not do everything not valued, then society would not be held back," says Amande Anin, a public administration strike worker. He has seen with good eyes that the unions have called for a strike: "First, in a practical way, because I, as a public worker, need a trade union appeal to be able to strike. I also think that for workers in the feminized professions in the public sector, if that possibility had not been forthcoming, they did not have a general call. In general, because the workplace can also be a place of discrimination, inequality, violence, I think it is only logical and minimal that the unions should take a stand. Then, the questioning of the power relations within your organization is another story… Maybe you have the objective that accompanies you, who knows? ".

Geraldine Thiery is the train operator on the appointment that unions have made. Taking as an example the constitutional inclusion of freedom of abortion in the French Parliament last week, it is clear that progress is being made through the fight and that is why he has gone out into the street as a striker. Professor Nathalie Bachacou is also on strike, because that day of struggle is essential. He sees the need to fight the wage gap: "I have two sons, one daughter and one son... I don't recognize that my son would earn more than his daughter doing the same." Neighboring professor Maddi Saint-Estebean has among her demands a fairer distribution of care: "Today I have come to Baiona, striking, I have left at home the mental burden of care and does everything! ".

From the trade union appointment they will go to the feminist group, by appointment to the Casa Consistorial de Baiona at 18:00.

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