In this general strike on 30 January, some have seen the possibility of emptying content and taking advantage of the day of mobilisation. The clubs Moma and BackRoom in Bilbao have seen on their day of reclaiming the bargain in which they have chosen to do business, and have announced that they will open their doors on the eve of the strike.
🤬 L O T S A G A R R I A! ! They call for clarification before the call for a General Strike.
We are NOT your merchandise!
— Eragin Bilbo (@Eragin Bilbo) January 24, 2020
“On Thursday, 30, the UPV has called for a general strike, so Moma will open its doors,” said Moma’s first message. BackRoom, for its part, announced the Wednesday festival “especially for students of the UPV/EHU”, with the name “BackRoom Crazy Wednesday UPV” and has called especially the students of the UPV/EHU with the following message: “To enjoy, because on Thursday there will be no class.”
The advertising of the two nightclubs has raised controversy, overcoming the holiday struggle, which invites students to become the most violent. Moma has recounted the party, but without mentioning the strike.
Hego Euskal Herrian arrazoi soziolaboralak edo politikoak direla medio, greba orokor bat deitzeak bere jarduera guztia geldiaraztea bilatzen du. Batzuentzat urtarrilaren 30eko greba orokorra arrakastatsua izan da, eta beste batzuentzat porrota, bakoitzaren betaurrekoen arabera.
Urtarrilaren 30eko Greba Orokorraren biharamunean, grebak suposatu duenaren inguruan hausnartzeko tartea hartu dugu Sonia Gonzalezekin.