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Strike day in Ipar Euskal Herria against Macron's policies and for the right to strike

  • In the Northern Basque Country, a general strike is taking place to call for an increase in wages and to denounce the recognition of oil refinery strikers by the French Government. The most important mobilization has taken place in Baiona, where nearly 2,000 people have gathered.

18 October 2022 - 12:45

Port staff, teachers, train drivers, nurses, secretaries, of Dassault, students, unemployed... Both private and public sector staff have responded to the call for strike action. The trade unions CGT, LAB, FO, FSU and Solidaires have held a demonstration in Baiona totalling 2,000 people. Members of the CFDT have also been mobilised who, although not in the inter-union call, have called for a strike in different sectors.

Today has been the time to show solidarity with the movement undertaken by the oil refinery strikers on 21 September. In fact, the fuel shortage caused by the strike at the oil refineries in the French State caused the government last week to issue a mandate for the recognition of workers. "This procedure has been rejected by the ILO, the International Labour Organisation, which supports the right to strike and the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The non-majority Government shall adopt its budget by means of Article 49.3 [without a vote of Parliament]. It can't be so at the service of big business," you could hear at the final conference.

On Monday 28% of gas stations are fuel deficient, and today the workers of Total Energies companies are known to continue the strike.

Current inflation makes trade unions consider wage increases essential. From Bayona they have denounced that Emmanuel Macron was in favour of the wealthiest instead of encouraging the generalized increase in salaries: "It follows the neoliberal ideology, it sacralizes the returns of capital. Some bricolages are enough, among them, a 30 cent reduction for fuels, which eventually goes into the pockets of large oil groups, and a waiver of social contributions, that is, a reduction in our social achievements."

Learn about Baiona’s mobilization:


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