Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The dockers of the port of Bilbao extend the strike for two weeks

  • The labour dispute between the Estiba company in Bilbao and the port dock workers does not end: the majority of the works council has called for a strike for two weeks, until 9 November.

21 October 2020 - 11:16
Greba luzatzea erabaki dute Bilboko portuko zamaketariek.

In response to the employers' position, the unions have announced that the call for strike will be extended for two weeks, with the support of the majority of the workers' committee, all trade unions in the sector except ELA, which has convened under the same conditions.

They have been on strike for eleven days and despite the fact that the call in force ended on Sunday, the porters have announced that it will be extended until 9 November. The previous days of strike have alternated for two hours or full-time stops. In the new protest, on the contrary, half the hours of each day’s shift a.El will be the main objective of the strike is to ensure the employment of fixed workers and to improve the conditions of temporary workers.

All the workers, both the indefinite Bilboestiba employment contracts and the temporary workers in the Randstad labour market, have shown their unity, solidarity and support for the strike, adding to all the stops called in the sector. Companies have reportedly been retaliated against temporary workers by failing to recruit them. This means that more than 100 dockers eventuales.Estos stoveers have made an average of 130 rounds per year over the past 12 years.

Meetings between the representatives of the shipowners and the Estiba company in Bilbao are not yet planned. The representative of UGT in the newspaper Berria, Israel Ruiz, explained that the company has come to the Labor Relations Council (CRL) but that they have not received any call from momento.Con these mobilizations, the dockers denounce the "repeated non-compliance" of the agreement in terms of the days of rest and recruitment of personnel; the increase in the temporary use, especially in the last two months;

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