Asked by Spain's Senator Josetxo Arrieta, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has reported on the situation of refugees. The minister has clarified the terminology and said that "it is not about immediate expulsions, but about replenishment". Arrieta recalled that they occur following the “systematic controls” carried out at the border and later, and that they are translated into “vans without indication”.
Grande-Marlaska believes that the problem is for the whole of Europe, "also for Africa." For this purpose, the justice integrated in politics aims to curb the flow of migrants "through security and controls and making decisions in defense of human rights". Arrieta explained that these intentions are contradictory to the Schengen agreement on the free movement of persons.
Grande-Marlaska has also reported on his meeting with Senegalese Prime Minister Macky Sall in Luxembourg. In his opinion, Salle said they are aware of the lack of capacity to absorb this type of flow of people. According to the Minister of the Interior, "we do not want them to leave," he replied at the meeting he had with the Senegalese president.
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