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Grande Marlaska with human rights

  • The Spanish Minister for the Interior, Fernando Grande Marlaska, depends on the outbreaks of the serious events that took place in Melilla on 24 June: 23 migrants were killed in an attempt to pass the barrier to Spain and another 70 disappeared.

01 December 2022 - 12:21
Iturria: Wikipedia

The point is that, according to studies carried out by various media outlets, including the BBC, and human rights associations, some of the migrants killed occurred on Spanish territory, something that Grande Marlaska denies. As he has repeatedly denied that torture was general in Spain. But several studies warn of its proximity to torture.

In 2011, for example, the European Commission for the Prevention of Torture visited the Spanish State and noted that surprisingly all incommunicado detainees from the first five months of that year were held under the authorization of the same judge, Grande Marlaska.

In 2021, the European Court of Human Rights condemned Spain for not investigating the torture reported by Iñigo González, a member of Ekin. This police operation was led by the Grande Marlaska and it was up to her to investigate what happened under the incommunication she had entrusted to her.

In 2018, EH Bildu Deputy, Marian Beitialarrangoitia, asked in the Congressional Home Affairs Committee about the investigation of allegations of torture by the Basque Government in which 3,587 people were found to have been victims of ill-treatment and torture. Grande Marlasca’s answer was that “the desired truths may arise, but the only truth is the judicial one.” At the hearing, the minister recalled that among the things he had detected ETA were “papers to report torture.”

Also in Girona, as Neus Tomás recalls in El, he brought to court fifteen young people because they burned the photos of the king of Spain. Then they were acquitted. And also when the demonstrators surrounding the Catalan Parliament were acquitted, his was a particular vote against, because he understands that the right of assembly did not support that protest.

Designated by the PP for the CGPJ

After a decade at the National Court, in 2013 the PP proposed it for the General Council of the Judiciary in Spain. His name was also heard to be Ombudsman of Spain and to run the Office of the Attorney General of Spain when José Manuel de la Maza died.

In June 2018, Pedro Sánchez appointed him Minister of the Interior. The journalist of El, Pedro Ageda, told him in a sufficiently graphic way: “Grande Marlasca woke up as a member of the conservative CGPJ sector and lay down as minister of a socialist government.”

Minister closer than torture with Melilla

The relationship that many judges have had with hundreds of cases of torture has not yet been investigated in Spain, so the minister will be calm in this regard. On the other hand, in the case of the murder and disappearance of the migrants from Melilla it is tightened. According to various media outlets that have investigated the facts, at least one migrant died in the Spanish part of the fence when he was attacked and fallen by the police during the attempt to cross it. A witness of facts and friend of the victim says he was called Aziz Yakoub.

The minister denies the presence of victims in Spanish territory and considers that those published in many media are Esamese. On the contrary, the group of Members who visited Melilla from the Spanish Congress considers, among other things, the allegations made by the media to be highly credible and who, in view of the official images of the facts, have reached the same conclusions as the media.

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