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Hunger, the germ of regeneration

Argazkia: TheOtherKev / Pixabay

30 September 2021 - 08:30
Last updated: 10:32

It is a night in September or October and the txantxangorri has embarked on a dangerous journey through the port of Brest, in Brittany, flying about a thousand metres high, about 45 kilometres an hour, and, if there is nothing wrong, it will be at Asterrika in Berriatua in the first hour. Your first job, out of stock, will be to find breakfast. At this time of the year, many trees, trees and shrubs are on their way to the fruit: Intsusa (Sambucus nigra), zarza (Rubus fruticosus), black hawthorn (Prunus spinosa), white hawthorn (Crataegus spp). ), gorostia (Ilex aquifolium), andura (Sambucus ebulus), zumalakarra (Frangula alnus), rodete (Rhamnus alaternus), arerramua (Euonymus europaeus), endalar (Smilax aspera), hagina (Taxus baccata), soroturia (saupa). Txantxangorri will eat almost any fruit. Most of them, raised in seed, are raised on earth, wrapped in flours, far from the plant that cultivated the fruit. It will help create new trees, trees and bushes for your descendants to find the sweet breakfast on their fall trip. When I see the bell tower around my house, in the coldest cold of winter, I'm glad. It is constantly working on the creation and regeneration of non-distant forests and plaster, multiplying biodiversity. The only species that has consciously departed from that great chunk of nature's regeneration is ours.

In this regeneration, the peak season of most plants has grown. The seed will live the travels, the displacements and the travesías that the plant has dreamed of. And as the planting progresses. The seed of the interior of Masusta makes the flight of txantxangorri, but a coconut (Cocos nucifera) calmly passes the seas and seas without any haste, as if it were a cruise. The seed of the Dandelion Tooth (Taraxacum officinale) takes advantage of the smallest blow without planes to get on the wind's skirts and down in the way of the parachutists. The seed of the lapa herb (Arctium lappa), with the hooks of the velcro, is doomed to the coat of the sheep, and, although it is spinning through the smallest pasture, the journey of the days before the fall will seem terrible to him, as the grandmothers dreamed, who decided to dress the cocoa seed.

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