On Thursday, the four neighbours of Ondarroa began a hunger strike in solidarity with the Basque prisoner Patxi Ruiz. The activity started at 15:00 hours, in the Hall of Plenos of the City Hall.
"Due to the difficulties we have in moving around the street, we have thought that the protest will take place in a closed place. Mobilizing in this state of alarm is not easy, but it is clear that, in the face of the plight of the prisoners, we must help them from the outside as far as possible," said the strikers to Lea-Artibai and Hitza de Mutriku.
They have also called for mobilizations, which will be concentrated this Saturday at 20:00 in the Alameda de Ondarroa, "under strict security measures". It has also been proposed to "send a massive message" to the director of the prison in Murcia.
Various gestures of solidarity
It is not the first hunger strike that begins in solidarity with the prisoner of the Txantrea. On 12 May, several members of Amnesty and Anti-Repression began a hunger strike in a "closed place in Bizkaia", for the same reasons.
First night of hunger strike in solidarity with Patxi pic.twitter.com/K0WiDnLa2P
— Amnesty Garrasia (@AmnistiaGarrasi) May 13, 2020
Also in their homeland, the Txantrea, they have expressed their solidarity. On Thursday, a multitude of neighbors have concentrated on Ezkaba Square in solidarity with Patxi on the fourth day of hunger and thirst strike.
Ruiz has been on hunger and thirst for the whole week to denounce the threats and treatment received by officials and officials of the penitentiary center of Murcia II after protesting the situation created by Covid-19.
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