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"That body was massacred."

  • On the afternoon of 19 August 1993, the Ertzaintza transferred Juan Calvo to the Santiago de Vitoria hospital to treat the wounds suffered at the time of arrest. The nursing assistant Patxi Bezares Díaz de Tejada, the current celador, cured minor wounds. She was one of the last people she saw Calvo alive. The next day, her colleagues told her that the Ertzaintza brought back Calvo early in the morning, with obvious signs of death and violence throughout the body. He went to the depot and what he saw there caused a great impact, just as it emerged to the doctors who practiced useless regeneration exercises on Calvo. After 30 years, he has told for the first time what he and other health professionals who had contact with Calvo saw and suffered that day. These include police harassment.
Patxi Bezares, Juan Calvo artatu zuen Santiago ospitaleko kanpoaldean. Argazkia: Dos por Dos

04 July 2023 - 07:58
Last updated: 2023-07-05 08:13
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He was admitted to Santiago de Vitoria hospital in 1992 and treated Juan Calvo in the emergency room in 1993.

I've been working for a short time. I think it was Thursday afternoon, we received the warning that the Ertzaintza brought a detainee. I do not know how, but what came to us was a person who stole a taxi, who was arrested in the town of Langraitz (Álava) and who seemed to be a member of ETA. We do not go into all this, we do our work and it is.

They brought the towels supported on the back to heal some wounds. He had a pair of brown pants facing upside down, lace-free shoes and naked above his waist. He had some minor injuries on his shoulder and others on his back with some gravel, probably at the time of ground arrest. On the chest, on the front, I had traces of two drunks, pretty fat, and three on the back, that I remember well. The doctor asked me to heal the wounds.

Was she cared for without problems?

I asked the ertzaina to release the tips, that she had a wound in her arms and that if they were not released, it was impossible to heal well. The ertzaina responded badly, apparently angry, to see if it was essential and I said yes. He began to release abruptly, Calvo complained that he was harmed, and I headed to the ertzaina, “Please be careful, you can have your elbow broken or something else.” It blew my face. “This is pretending, it’s not so much,” he expelled, but liberated. The wounds I healed him, when I finished Calvo asked me for a glass of water, I gave it to him and thanked me. They put him back in burgundy and took him. When I finished my shift, I went home.

When did he return to the emergency room?

The next day I entered tomorrow’s shift at 8:00. I crossed into the dressing room with my peers at night, and one asked me, "Hey Patxi, did you not cure a John Calvo yesterday, which was brought by the Ertzaintza? "; "Why do you say?" "Because they've died." I was surprised. He told me more or less what happened: that he was brought in by ambulance, that a lot of ertzaines appeared in the emergency room... that had to be seen. This colleague saw Calvo in his sight and told me that in his opinion there was something very serious in the police station.

A few hours before I saw the guy alive and felt the need to see the body. I tried to get into the warehouse, but the Ertzaintza was guarded and didn't let it go. But then I had to go in for work and I took advantage to see Calvo's body.

What did you see?

What I saw was that -- I didn't know the guy. When I saw live I was five drunken, that body was masked. I had a bunch of bruises all over my body, and I thought they were made with something thinner than I erased it. It was noticed that he had his hands tied because he had the channel of Christ in his wrists. He was tied with a hemp rope, where some fibers were still visible. There was a kind of burn on the knees. He had his testicles shattered, swollen, purple, I don't know how to express them; surely someone would have grabbed him from the foals with his hands and made him all and all. It was a very hard picture.

The eyes were also completely burned, probably by gas.

Does it smell gas?

It had a very rare smell, gas or other.

"In 30 years I've seen everything, but I've never seen people who have been beaten that way."

Did you talk to your coworkers when Calvo was killed?

Some of them did, especially one of the doctors, and I was told in more detail what happened. Calvo was brought totally naked in the ambulance while trying to recover it with massage. The ambulance toilets had to place an anti-gas mask; to massage, when the chest was pressed smoke was extracted from the gas from the mouth and the eyes were very irritated, some had to be treated in the emergency room.

In the emergency room they activated the usual protocol to try to recover it, but they could do nothing because it was dead. In case of an emergency, Calvo would leave water and gas through the mouth with the massage. This may be due, for example, to pulmonary edema, but it certainly does not happen in an accident. I assume that Juan Calvo was tortured, otherwise it cannot be understood.

When we talked about the interview I was told that a doctor had had a dispute with the Ertzaintza [This doctor has a great presence in the interview: the doctor did not want to interview ARGIA for personal reasons, but has read and confirmed all the information given here]

Once nothing could be done to save Calvo's life, the emergency team stopped trying. One of the doctors left the resuscitation room and an ertzaina asked him how he was detained. The doctor said outrageously, "Do you realize what you've done? ! They have no shame! ". The ertzaina replied, “Don’t be insulted and careful with what you say.” The doctor caught fire even more, there was a clash and the colleagues ended up taking to the other room. The Ertzaines were wrong. I know from the doctor himself.

How was Calvo's attitude when he attended him? What was his mood?

Very quiet, normal. Every now and then I asked him to do this, or to move like this, and he did. At the end, he thanked me for the attention. I found it nice.

The Department of Security stated that Calvo maintained a violent attitude in the detention and subsequently in the police station, making meaningless comments... Does what I saw fit you?

No. When someone comes to the emergency room, we usually detect if they have any mental illness, we develop that sense. Calvo saw nothing like that. She was very quiet, but quiet and friendly, for example, to say "forgive me, I'm going to do some pain now..." and she answered "You quiet, do what you have to do." When I gave him water, he thanked me -- I didn't notice anything like that.

Photo: Bi by two.

It is surprising to remember in such detail what happened after 30 years.

It's very hard to forget something like this, it's very shocking. In 30 years I have seen everything, deaths, suicides, serious injuries... But I've never seen people who have been beaten that way, and I've seen people beaten in 30 years.

The doctor who had a dispute with the Ertzainas when leaving the work that drafted the report and getting home. He has kept it for 30 years until now he has decided to give ARGIA to make it public. Do you know the history of this report?

Yes. He got out of work, got home and wrote everything he remembered. At that time, there was no computer, but it had an electronic typewriter. He wrote not to forget anything. "I've been so impressed," he explained, "that I had to write immediately so I didn't lose any detail." I remember he said: “That guy has been reluctantly cleaned like this: he died like a dog.”

What was the attitude of the hospital management?

On the same day we received from the hospital management a statement in which nothing could be said about the subject, that all explanations would be given by the manager. I mean, beware of what you're talking about. That on Friday, at the hospital entrance for Saturday, there were journalists.

They later brought a role to the emergency services, to the person responsible, saying that the investigation was in the judicial secretariat and that we had expressly forbidden all information [the examining magistrate placed the case in secret on 30 August and sent a note to the hospital director to end the leaks].

However, the media published “secret” information, some confirmed the official version, others confirmed the opposite. Do the journal with more information about the state of the body of Calvo, indicating the sources of the hospital.

Yes, I read them, I don't know who did it. Then we learned that according to the information from the Security Department it was a psychiatric patient, I tell him, I didn't take that trace, but it can be. The department also said it was very violent, that at all.

Did you read the explanations of the Department of Interior?

Yes, they got the first communiqué followed. The Department of the Interior said that the detainee began to be injured and the Ertzainas had to intervene. I think then the head of the Ertzainas [Juan Mari] was Atutxa. The state of the body did not correspond to this version.

But we did not understand anything else: when we received the warning on Thursday they brought a detainee, it came to us that the detainee in Nanclares was a member of ETA, of a command. So we suspected there was something else, but the Department of Interior didn't talk about it.

What was the atmosphere among peers in those days?

Among those who were there were comments: "Joder, it's been flushed, it can't be ..." Amazement and great anger. As a health worker, I don't know how to say that, that can't be accepted. And, unfortunately, I have seen on more than one occasion deplorable, regrettable positions by the Ertzaintza. We cannot accept it as a worker. We can't know what they've done at the police station 100 percent, but we suspect ... Because when you bring someone and you see they've gone down ... Rage and rebellion were the first days, but one week he forgot everything except for a few.

"Some of the health professionals who had direct contact with Calvo were followed by the Ertzaintza"

In the coming weeks and months was everything being forgotten and reassured?

Some of the healthcare professionals who had direct contact with Calvo were followed by Ertzaintza. I, for my part, did not notice anything. The doctor who wrote the report told me that he had almost a year behind, in the street, in the cafeteria -- controlling where he was going, who he was talking to. She told me that once they were in the street, they were two people dressed on the street, but she was clear that they were Ertzaines.

Was it the same Ertzainas that were in the Emergency Room that stayed in the street?

No, unknown. Another colleague told me that he felt they were following him. I told him it was possible. At that time I was affiliated with the LAB union, I was not yet a delegate, and in the union we also noticed strange things, which in the hospital environment were repeated several people... That was the first few days, there were also journalists, but in the case of that doctor for a year.

And how did the doctor experience this whole situation?

This doctor has had a very bad time. Imagine, the report has been kept for 30 years. For fear, if your mouth opens ... My case is different, because I am a normal health worker and not another, but in the case of a doctor, if they want, you will never work anywhere again. We have seen how the PNV acts on other issues. Roberto Sánchez, who denounced the corruption of Osakidetza’s Public Employment Offers, has been crushed and rejected by the rest, and nothing else. So when those people send it to you, if you miss it ...

It talks about fear. After 30 years, why are you giving this interview?

Why? I feel that I am indebted to justice, to truth, and above all to Juan Calvo.

By the death of Calvo, which was trial, the sentence was known in 1995. Six Ertzainas were sentenced for recklessness: the head to six years in prison, the other five to one year. The only Ertzaina who recognized having pumped gas into Calvo was arrested or detained for 10 days for simple recklessness. How did he receive the news?

Reading in the press we felt the rage of a Christ because we saw that everything was the same, that impunity was absolute, there is no right. We commented on the work: "Remember that guy? Well, look, "Fuck, it comes for free."

The Supreme Court reduced the sentence to one of six years for the police chief in 1996. Not even the only police who would have to be imprisoned with the initial sentence entered prison, therefore.

I didn't know, fuck.

No one was expelled from the Ertzaintza. These ertzaines, depending on their age at the time, may be working today.

Yes, or retired peacefully. Regrettable.

* This interview is part of a broader report. Other articles and information:

- How and why did Juan Calvo be killed at the Ertzaintza police station?

- 30 years hidden in the light: evidence of torture.

- VIDEO | Juan Calvo: several episodes of the autopsy.

- Witness of Calvo's death: “Things were not clarified”

- Ertzainas and Department of Security: lies, gaps and contradictions

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