The Cannes Film Festival 2021 has been held from 6 to 17 July, and the winners include Gonzalo Quincoces (Bilbao, 1992). The Vizcain has been awarded the Queer Palm Prize for the short film The Fall of the Avenger (Zorbelearen erorialdia), which awards the best LGTBI film of all the films presented at the festival.
The fall of the harvest is the result of Quincoces’ end of degree work, by Catherine Catherine. The short film, which was developed until the end of her studies at the Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC), was presented in the last year and produced by the school, which decided to fund it. As Quincoces told Deia, the shooting started in late 2019 and ended in January 2020. However, the pandemic delayed the launch of work and saw no light until the summer of 2020. After presenting the film in Barcelona, the actress recently jumped to Cannes, where she made several films.
The fall of the harvest, set in the Bizkaia of the 1980s, is starred by Kepa, a working-class youth who believes that it is a burden for the family. The same night he is going to run away with a person he has met, his colleagues will protest at the closure of the shipyard in which they work.