Castaner has announced the news in a committee that is debating a proposal for a law against the incidents taking place in the French state.
In the disturbances that have intensified in the French State since the appearance of the movement of these Jackets, four people have suffered vision injuries due to rubber balls – the real figure may be 17 people, according to the estimates of journalist David Dufresne and the collective Désarmons-les.
“None is acceptable, but we will investigate all of them to determine why and under what conditions this has happened,” Castaner explained.
The Police's decision to supply camcorders, in any case, seems to be an intermediate solution. Faced with the use of these weapons by the police against the demonstrations in recent months, the French Ombudsman, Jacques Toubon, has called for the suspension of the rubber balls for the risk they pose. In the same vein, La France Insoumis has spoken.
Contrary to these plans, however, Castaner has argued that if the police did not shoot a rubber ball, the wounded would be even more numerous.
In Euskal Herria and Catalonia also the subject of debate are the materials used by the police forces, among them the weapons used on the day of the death of the young Iñigo Cabacas, and those that imitated the view of Esther Quintana in Barcelona.
Iñigo Cabacasen senide eta lagunek epaiketaren balorazioa egin dute ostiralean Bilboko Kafe Antzokian deitutako prentsaurrekoan. Beraien ahotik kontatu nahi izan diote jendarteari gertatutakoa, baita nola sentitzen diren ere.
Urriaren 15ean ekin zitzaion Iñigo Cabacasen heriotzaren gaineko epaiketari, eta azaroaren 9an amaituko da. Orain arteko saioetan kontrajarri egin dira ertzainen gehiengoen eta kaleko testiguen bertsioak. Asteartetik aurrera adituek deklaratuko dute.