"The dream of a few students ten years ago is now deeply rooted in Vitoria," says Xanti Hidalgo. "At the level of Euskal Herria it has also become a benchmark," he added. And he pointed out one of the secrets of that rooting: Since 2013, hundreds of people have considered Errekaleor as a place of residence and thousands have participated in one way or another in the project.
Facts and impossible
We have asked Hidalgo to discover the major achievements and shortcomings of this decade. Among the positive elements, the response to the numerous attacks by the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz stands out. Remember that from 2002 the City Hall presented a plan for the area and began to evict the neighborhood's neighbors saying that the dwellings were not safe and how they presented a technical report this year showing the opposite. On the contrary, when in 2017 the Ertzaintza occupied the neighborhood and cut off electricity by municipal order, it would follow the path of sovereignty, got 100,000 euros in a popular collection, and since then the neighborhood is an "energy island". A study by the UPV confirmed that this year Errekaleor's community life model, not without contradictions, has a positive impact on reducing energy consumption.
Beyond the aggressions and their responses, Hidalgo has been satisfied with the importance given to the Basque country in the project and the "presence" it has, "we are an island of the Basque country". Finally, Errekaleor has highlighted the broad offer that is addressed to all Vitorians: numerous and varied cultural and political initiatives, popular gym or community gardens with more than 100 participants.
He wants to be an island, but he recognizes that more than he wants are the “reflection” of society. But unlike most of society, in the neighborhood they try to develop ways to avoid it and “learn from mistakes”
Among the deficiencies, Errekaleor Activa stands out. On the one hand, the need to act "permanently and defensively" as a result of ongoing attacks by institutions, parties or media, and their harmful consequences and erosion. On the other hand, he reflects, "we try to build our lives outside capitalism -- but how difficult it is." It wants to be an island, but it recognizes that on many occasions they are a "reflex" of society, reproducing the same problems and attitudes in the neighborhood. But unlike most of society, in the neighborhood they try to develop the means to avoid them and "learn from mistakes.
Invitation to visit the new mayor
Mr Gorka Uraran, mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz in two legislatures, has fought against Errekaleor in recent years, has assured on several occasions that sooner or later, but he would match the peripheral district of the city with land. But it was in Uraran and Errekaleor wasn't. Following the municipal elections last May, Maider Etxebarria of the PSE has won the mayor (after the historic victory of EH Bildu). The mayor has moved from the PNV to the PSE, but the municipal government remains in the hands of the PSE-PNV coalition. Do you expect any change from the city hall? Has the new mayor sent you something?
It was in Uraran and Errekaleor was not. Maider Etxebarria, from the PSE, gets the mayor after last May municipal elections
"The only thing we know is what in an interview Maider Etxebarria tells us is against occupation," says Hidalgo. He recalls that at first they agreed with Uraran a "framework for dialogue" – the mayor once approached the neighborhood to meet – but then decided to "cut". Convinced that Uraran has spread many lies, they invite Etxeberria to approach one of the guided tours they organize to make the neighborhood known, “if you prefer to organize a visit for him”, so that he knows the live project.
Celebrate, proclaim, thank
In Errekaleor they are anxious to fight what has been achieved and what is outstanding: "We have had sweeter and more bitter moments, as is normal, but we are good and strong, we have learned from experience and continue with the intention of improving." To this end, they have drawn up a comprehensive programme for 29 and 30 September. So far they have only announced concerts, but Hidalgo advances that on Saturday there will be a program to enjoy the whole day. They have three goals for this weekend: to celebrate – "ten years has not been easy" – to reclaim the project and "thank the Vitorians and all those who have supported us".
The festival of anniversaries has three objectives: celebrating – “ten years has not been easy” – claiming the project and “thanking the vitorians and all those who have supported us”
The celebration seems to be big. But it is not in their interests to squander all the forces, because on 21 October there is a new day of protest and celebration in Vitoria-Gasteiz: this course is 100 years of self-managed space Sumendi, the fronton Auzolana, the Gaztetxe de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Hala Bedi and Errekaleor himself and they will celebrate it together.
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