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Israel takes steps to stifle the newspaper 'Haaretz', critical of the government, with the aim of ending it

  • The Israeli Government has taken this step in response to statements by the newspaper editor, Benjamin Netanyahu. "The Netanyahu regime is cruel and is doing apartheid," said Amos Shock's editor at a conference in London a month ago, at 10:00.

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Israel’s President, Benjamin Netanyahu, is, in addition to genocide, a top-down dictator who is giving reasons night and day to ratify it. This weekend he took a clear stand against the Haaretz newspaper, which wants to choke economically. The newspaper has two editions, one in Hebrew and one in English. This newspaper is a source of information for the international community.

In fact, with the new measure approved by the Government, no company or association receiving public money will be able to advertise in Haaretz, all administrations and institutions will have to suspend all subscriptions and, therefore, public institutions will not be able to maintain any contact with the newspaper.

Haaretz's deputy director, Noa Landau, denounced in a message what happened, linked the news of her web and called on the media sector: "To the companions of the trade who are silent, I would like to say that they are not surprised by this form of oppression when they arrive at your door."

Account Already Existing

The environment, unlike many other Israelis, is critical of what the government is doing on occupied Palestinian lands and in Gaza. There are many critics and analysts who reject colonization. Netanyahu, for example, has been accused of "impeding" the ceasefire negotiations, of "putting pressure on" the media and of censoring various information, and of "firing" several Israelis on 7 October 2023 for allegedly involved.

At the end of October, the government’s Minister of Communication, Shlomo Karhi, proposed to drown the idea of Haaretz. Not by chance: the editor of the newspaper, Amos Schocken, denounced at a conference in London the apartheid policies of Netanyahu and defined what is happening in Gaza as a "second Nakba". He also pointed out that the Haaretz workers were, in Netanyahu's view, "terrorists" because, in his view, some criticism said that the Israeli Government "acts in a terrorist way".

After his speech, the Israeli Government's response came within a few days: at least five ministries suspended their relations with Haaretz and called on the population to "boycott the newspaper". Haaretz "delegitimizes" the government of Israel and the Israelis, as reported by the aforementioned ministries in a statement. Among other things, they were aware of the news that was told in September: how the Zionists offer a residence permit to asylum seekers in exchange for the murder of the Palestinians.



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