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Judgment against Glovo: contract for workers, penalty for the company

  • In the Palacio de Justicia of Pamplona the trial against Glovo de la Seguridad Social is initiated because of the obligation to quote workers as self-employed. LAB denounces that the multinational is still an "absolute impunity", despite the numerous judgments contrary to its conduct.

01 September 2022 - 16:07
Nafarroako Justizia Jauregi aurrean, Glovoren aurkako epaiketa hasi baino lehenago (argazkia: LAB)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

A few years ago, the yellow backpacks of Glovo began to be seen in the streets of Euskal Herria, and from the beginning the social and trade union agents denounced the exploitation of the distribution company. In ARGIA we published a comprehensive report with the testimony of this precariousness of the capitalism of the platforms, in which it was explained, among other things, that forced the workers to discharge themselves as self-employed, a situation that the journalist Paul Iano lived with his skin:

"Working with self-employed status makes the situation harder. In Glovo, social ties are reduced and transitory, the lack of opposition from co-workers hinders vision and poor prevention in case of accident or illness. To this must be added geolocation, smartphones and a precarious population that accepts any working conditions in despair. A new and effective mix of competition between workers. Company workers like Glovo can hardly develop the relationships needed to fight for their rights, as companies have designed a working environment that prevents this from happening."

Since then, there have been several rulings against Glovo, rather than concluding contracts and discharging himself in the Social Security system, because the worker works as a "false" self-employed person. For example, in September 2020 the Spanish Supreme Court stated that there is an employment relationship between distributors and Glovo and that the company is not merely an intermediary.

Glovo has Rider as fake self-employed, so this type of company does not allow workers to develop their employment relationship (photo: Kauldi Iriondo / ARGIA

A new chapter of this fight by the multinational for the respect of workers’ rights begins in Pamplona this Thursday, which has called 80 workers to declare in the Social Security complaint against Glovo. The issue comes from 2019, since LAB denounced and the Labor Inspectorate discharged workers in Social Security.

Four years doing "corner" to the law

LAB denounces that despite the fact that throughout these years the sentences have gone in the same direction in other communities of the Spanish state – that Glovo has to hire staff and be discharged from the Social Security system – and that the Rider Law says that these bicycle dealers are not real self-employed, that Glovo remains the "absolute impunity".

But this impunity is right, according to the union, and has focused on the "strangeness" of public institutions: "[Glovo] has passed the law for four years, and do we not know when this issue will end? There's nothing going on here. Neither the institutions nor the governments ask him to comply with the law nor to punish him, as they ask the rest of the citizens," he explained.

In this regard, LAB has concentrated in Pamplona before the Palacio de Justicia de Navarra to call for respect for workers' contracts, contributions and decent working conditions and to denounce the "scandal" that is happening with the multinational.

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