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Environmentalists are "disappointed" with the outcome of the Glasgow COP26 summit

  • For two weeks, global authorities have been working on reaching agreements to address the climate emergency. Under pressure from the most polluting States, the decisions taken in the last draft have been modified since the first draft: for example, they have not requested the withdrawal of coal, but “a gradual reduction”.

15 November 2021 - 10:03
Last updated: 11:10
Fridays For Futureko ekintzaileek salatu dute erregai fosilen sustatzaileek erabakietan parte hartzea. / Argazkia: Nazio Batuen Erakundea.

Ekologistak Martxan considers "superficial" the agreement reached in Glasgow by international leaders for the resolution of the climate emergency. It is “irritating and disappointing” according to the young entrepreneurs of Fridays For Future. “Submissive and weak,” Greenpeace said. After two weeks of meeting in the Scottish city, participants at the COP26 summit have not reached an agreement that satisfies ecologists and social actors, as well as several heads of state.

Ekologistak spokeswoman Martxan, Irene Rubiera, criticized that “anyone” would sign this convention: “It says the climate must fight the emergency, but it does not specify when, how or what funding will be made.” And that is that the decisions taken are not binding.

However, the meeting raised a number of issues that had not been taken into account so far and, among other issues, the debate on the abandonment of coal and fossil fuels was "a step forward", said Jennifer Morgan, international director of Greenpeace, who recalled that the decision finally agreed on was "weak". In the last few hours of the conclusion of the agreement, a phrase of the draft has been modified in response to pressure from the Hindu representative: rather than “stop using” coal as an energy source, a “request for progressive reduction” of the draft has been made.

Impoverished countries on the shore

On the other hand, ecologists have positively valued the view of impoverished countries, but have denounced that they have been left “side-by-side”. In a statement released by Fridays For Future, the UK Government's border policy has left the voices most affected by climate change "even further out": “Front-line activists have had to fight to hear their voices, while at the summit they have welcomed over 500 fossil fuel promoters.” They have criticised the fact that the funding that rich countries are planning to give to impoverished countries is "far away" from what they need.

Moreover, Morgan, on behalf of Greenpeace, pointed out that although the convention has recognised the need to "reduce emissions in this decade", this commitment is abandoned by next year. The summit agreed to reduce emissions by 45% by 2030, so that global warming does not exceed 1.5 degrees by the end of the century compared to pre-industrial data. Morgan has called for measures to be "implemented" in this respect.

We will have to see what steps will be taken to comply with what has been decided. The Member States of the international community are planning to hold the next summit in Egypt in 2022.

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