The friends of Gladys Del Estal and the environmental associations organize annually acts of tribute to the antinuclear and pacifist militant. This year’s programme, however, is special, as 40 years after a civil guard shot him in the head in Tudela.
The events will start on 1 June and will continue throughout the weekend. They will start in San Sebastian with a bike ride that will travel the streets of the city. It is precisely 40 years ago that Gladys Del Estat organized a similar march with the children, one day before he died, and that is when we have his last photo before he died. A popular meal will give continuity to this act.
In addition, an exhibition will be installed in the UPV/EHU computer school and will be honoured – from now on a classroom will bear its name – as the Donostian ecologist studied there. And in Tudela, like every year, you'll remember the march that's going on against the shooting polygon. All the programming you can see here.
Living demands of 1979: against nuclear and weapons
In the 40th anniversary declaration, the Gladys goan initiative has underlined that the 1979 demands remain in force. Thus, Garoña ' s nuclear waste continues to threaten the waters of the Ebro and the garden of the Ribera, and the field of the Bardenas has not been closed.
“The memory of Gladys Del Estal, a young woman who died paradoxically for defending her life, calls us to recognize and deepen the values of ecofeminism, claiming a life without nuclear energy or weapons,” the statement states.
In the same statement, they wanted to make it clear that Gladys Del Estal is not a "secondary victim" and that his family and friends have the right for the State to recognize the damage caused.
They pointed out that the civil guard who killed him received two decorations, one in 1982 and the other in 1992, which we were aware of through a study carried out in ARGIA. “The State’s lack of interest in recognizing and repairing the mistakes it has made leads us to maintain Gladys del Estal’s memory.”
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