The National Police has issued a statement in which it has revealed the alleged crimes of the twelve young people who passed last week by the courts, ten of whom were arrested and two who went on to testify. According to the note, the police have been investigating young people, who are in prison for one year.
Criminal group
The police accuse them of forming a "criminal group" to commit violent acts. “It is a common criminal objective to carry out violent actions in an organized and coordinated manner, committing criminal offences, especially public disorder, container burning, damage to urban furniture and altercations against the police”, according to the Police. In order to accuse the criminal organization of committing a crime of belonging to a criminal organization, it is necessary that the presumed crimes have a permanence in time, and it is proven that they remain. It accuses young people of forming a very cohesive and structured group, which is also essential to attribute to the criminal group. As a guarantee of this cohesion, it presents mutual knowledge since childhood, “its militancy in the different structures of the radical Abertzale left (today Gazte Koordinadora Sozialista – GKS)”, and the belonging of some of the young people to “Indar Gorri ‘Ultra’”. The Police note also points out that some of the members of the organization are close to the "Amnesty and Freedom" group.
Incidents of November 2020
The Police refers expressly to the incidents that occurred on 7 November 2020 in the Rochapea neighborhood. On that day the GKS organization convened a demonstration in the Casco Viejo de Pamplona/Iruña. Later, the incidents began at the Rochapea, where the police link the facts and is the alleged criminal group responsible for the events.