The report published in the Chronic supplement by the newspaper El Mundo was entitled to the great call of the new "puppies", the great call of new puppies, on Sunday, October 17. Taking as a starting point the Socialist Youth Meeting held in Altsasu between GKS and Ikasle Abertzaleak (IA), the lines signed by journalist Leyre Iglesias linked the socialist movement with ETA and street unrest, presenting it as a possible threat to the future. In particular, the report closes with the words of a researcher who presents himself as Francisco Osorio: "Now that ten years have passed since the end of [ETA], we do not know whether those young people who are dissatisfied with Sortu and Bildu are going to be the seed of a declaration of violence or not."
When we talk about the young people of the socialist movement, the newspaper has gone into detail. The header of the report showed the portraits of eight people, all militants of the socialist movement, and along with the photographs detailed their names, surnames, age, place of birth and their supposed role in the movement. With this sign and those that are said and suggested about movement, what was published generated a tumult as soon as it was made public.
On Tuesday, GKS published a memo on the events taking place in the Basque Country. They denounce that the criminalization suffered is a "political-social maneuver" through "a newspaper at the service of the oligarchy", which has a concrete objective in their eyes: to point out the communist organization. "If the big businessmen, the mafia and bankers of Spain and Europe, who are afraid of something, have managed to get them almost forgotten, that is a communist organisation," they said.
According to the reading, the event is not "a simple attack on Basque youth" and goes beyond its movement, as according to them the report is "a warning and a threat to the independent organization of the proletariat". Faced with this, they stressed that "the only possible defence" is the strengthening of an independent political organization: "Thus, we reaffirm ourselves in the need to build a solid foundation for the defence of political freedoms in the face of the curtailment and suppression of fundamental rights, and that is the task of the whole proletariat. We call on all proletarian groups and all individuals to join forces in the face of this new offensive of oligarchy, characterized by impoverishment, lack of rights and repression".
For their part, they wished to reaffirm their commitment to socialism and to the construction of a democratic society without class or oppression.
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