On Saturday, she appeared in Gasteiz, called by GKS, to denounce the impossibility of emancipating and claiming universal housing. Later, some young people announced their admission to a house that had been empty for 30 years in the Casco Viejo, as a protest, "to denounce the impossibility of emancipating".
As the GKS explained, several people went to the house to show their solidarity and support to the young people of the house. They denounce the Ertzaintza's aggression against these people at midnight and broadcast on social media videos and photographs of the violent burdens.
GKS denounces that the police have tried to be "victim" with the help of various media. It is confirmed that the police have been aggressive.
In addition to denouncing police harassment, they underline the responsibility of policy makers. Furthermore, they consider it significant that "no political party denounces these facts".
Finally, they say that the young people who entered the housing of the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz on Saturday night continue there. In the light of what has happened, they expect the police to be able to reappear to take the young. They call to be attentive to possible calls in defense of youth.
False promises of professional policy
GKS has pointed out that to solve the housing problem it is necessary to organize and fight independently for free universal housing.
"The election campaign has complied with messages in favour of youth, repeatedly stating that they will take measures to improve the working and living conditions of young people. But those facts like yesterday's night show that they're just words," they explain.
The central point of the proposed liberation of working women has historically been the issue of care as one of the main themes that characterize our oppression. On the one hand, the poor conditions that workers in the surveillance sector have as a result of the lack of social... [+]