Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

GKS alleges that the Llodio Municipal Police has received a fine of 1,500 euros for placing a banner

  • During the placement of the banner to call the demonstration on January 28, the Laudio Municipal Police identified several GKS militants and received a fine of 1,500 euros.

15 February 2023 - 07:00

The GKS organization of Ayala yesterday denounced that on social networks it has received a fine of 1,500 euros from the Municipal Police of Laudio. He has contacted a member of Aiaraldea Komunikabideak, who has confirmed that in January the Municipal Guard identified several members of the group for having placed a banner. They have recently been notified of a penalty of EUR 1,500.

The banner referring to the demonstration on 28 January in Bilbao to denounce the attack on the entrepreneur, and the GMS denounces that public institutions are trying to hinder their activity.

There are two examples. On the one hand, last year the Ertzaintza dealt with fines of EUR 4,000 in connection with the mobilisation against the closure of the Gaztetxe de Laudio.

In addition, on 28 January GKS convened a demonstration also in Pamplona and the police identified 50 young people in the Navarra capital. Afterwards, they will be fined EUR 10,000.

GKS Ayala does not rule out the possibility of further sanctions in the coming weeks as they deal with complaints.

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